My FAVORITE WEEKEND of THE YEAR- ladies’dove hunt!

The second weekend of September is special. It’s the weekend that all of my girlfriends who hunt come to my home for a ladies’ dove hunt. It started out in 2013, and we all met through Prois (Hunting and Field Apparel for Women). I knew that we all had things in common, but I did not know that these women would become my sisters. When everyone arrives, we kindly kick my husband out to the guest house (for his own comfort) and we proceed to do what women do at slumber parties… drink and have pillow fights in lingerie… NOT. Sorry guys, we are SO not those girls…

We DO stay up and have cocktails, visit, play games like Cards Against Humanity and do some swimming in the pool. It’s smoking hot in September here, even in the evenings! We also do a fun gift exchange, most of which are handmade/custom made items that are always fun to get and give! I do know that one year, a dozen chickens were put to death so sweet Christy could cover the wishbones with rhinestones, making the perfect decor for our rear-view mirrors! (BILLY - go kill me a chicken - I’m makin stuff!)

Just for kicks, I am attaching some photos of some of the gifts here. I treasure them, just like I treasure my friendships with these amazing women. Although we only see each other rarely, we speak often and our bonds are incredibly strong… these ladies are my people. My happy place.

I encourage you to find some hunting friends, to celebrate the hunt together, and to both grow in friendship, and in knowledge of the hunt… there is always more to learn, and the more folks you hunt with, the more you learn! So get out there, and as we say at ReelCamoGirl - Earn Your Wild!

*I am going to have to add so many more pics!!!